Hotstart Recertified in First Virtual ISO 9001:2015 Audit
Spokane, Wash. June 24, 2020 – Hotstart, a world leader of thermal management technologies, was recently audited and recertified by SAI Global to the ISO 9001:2015 standard. This was the first time the company participated in a virtual audit.
The traditional in-person audit was modified to account for visitor limitations due to COVID-19 concerns. For the safety of Hotstart employees and the SAI Global auditor, online meetings were conducted June 8 – 12, 2020. Kelly Jones, Quality Manager, and Adam Miller, Quality Specialist, coordinated virtual meetings with employees working in the facility and from home. To connect John Russell, SAI Global Auditor, with the production floor, Hotstart set up a mobile cart with a computer and webcam that was moved from area to area so that Mr. Russell could interview people and view production processes.
“This was by far the best virtual audit I’ve conducted!” said Mr. Russell.
“The ISO audit involves every department in the company,” said Kelly Jones. “Adapting the audit plan to use GoToMeeting allowed our team to participate virtually just as they would in person.”
Mr. Russell added, “I’ve been auditing Hotstart since 2001 and have watched them get better and better with their products, operations and people. They have gone above and beyond with their continuous improvement!”
“It was neat to hear John recognize our improvement and our people,” said Terry Judge, CEO. “I’m really proud of our amazing people.”
ISO 9001 is defined as the international standard that specifies requirements for a quality management system (QMS). Organizations use the standard to demonstrate the ability to consistently provide products and services that meet customer and regulatory requirements. Hotstart was originally ISO 9001 certified in 2001 and has maintained certification for its quality management system since that time. In September 2019, Hotstart Europe GmbH was ISO 9001:2015 certified for the manufacturing operations in Köln, Germany.