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HH Silicone Heater Hose


  • Motor


Hotstart HH Silicone Heater Hose

Hotstart/Flexfab silicone heater hose is resistant to coolant additives, as well as hardening, cracking, cold leaks, and aging. The silicone hose is constructed from 1-ply reinforced nylon fiber and has been extreme duty cycle tested. Optimized hose lengths available based on the heater being installed, reducing hose waste and improving plumbing performance. Boxed or spool length available for customers needing larger volumes.

  • Meets or exceeds the operating requirements of SAE J20 R3 Class A
  • Meets or exceeds the operating requirements of TMC RP303B Class I Grade II
  • Standard wall thickness of 0.140" / 0.170"
  • Working pressure 1/3 of burst pressure
  • Bend radius 5 times the ID of the hose
  • Resists hardening, cracking, cold leaks, aging, and many chemicals.

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