The CSM Euro features the most powerful pump (10 gpm flow) and most powerful heating element options (up to 12 kW) in the HOTflow lineup. The CSM's heating power in an energy efficient system is ideal for replacing costly convection-based heaters in large-engine installations up to 100 L displacement.
The CSM lineup is equipped to meet a wide array of conditions, including power source requirements and agency certifications. Whatever your power or heating needs, there's a CSM to meet your specific heating system application. The integrated control box allows for easy power connections and enables automatic heater operation, eliminating the need for additional customer-supplied control components.
Power and pump-driven forced circulation provides superior heat distribution, making the CSM Euro a viable option to replace paired or multiple convection-based heaters – improving heating performance while reducing maintenance costs.
HOTflow® CSMエンジンヒーターは、HOTflow®シリーズの中でも、もっとも強力なポンプ(流量10 GPM/38 L/min)、ヒーティングエレメント(最大12 kW)を採用しています。CSMのヒーター電力とエネルギー効率の高い設計により、排気量100 Lまでの大型エンジンにおいて、コストのかかる自然対流式ヒーターを置き換えるのに最適なヒーターとな…